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‘Meet & Greet’ becomes Wells Ambassadors, and we’re looking for volunteers!

Most visitors are drawn to Wells by the Cathedral and Bishop’s Palace. But too many leave without seeing Vicars Close, the Almshouses, Museum, Town Hall, Harry Patch Memorial, Mary Bignall Rand’s Long Jump record and much more. Many think that St. Cuthbert’s, although well worth a visit, is the Cathedral!

The Ambassadors will welcome, give out maps and share what to see and do in Wells. This initiative is led by WIN member Ross Young who said: “Current Meeters & Greeters can testify to how rewarding this is, given the positive feedback they receive.

“We hope to start as early in the first half of 2021 as possible, virus permitting, and volunteers are sought for stints of two to three hours a week. They will be fully briefed including notes on the major features to see. So please help us make all visits to Wells as special as they can be, by becoming an Ambassador. Visitors will go away very happy to spread the word and, of course, come again.

E-mail me at Ross or call 07721 523487 to show your interest or to find out more.”

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